
Pearls and Lace, My Favorites!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Catching Up For the Beginning of 2019

Hello to you all!!
I thought I'd pop over here and share with you a bit that has been going on in my world!

First, I'm a GRANDMOTHER!!!

This is our sweet grandson, Joe

We don't get to see him anywhere NEAR enough, but the times we have enjoyed with him are absolutely PRICELESS!  He is a gift from God!!

I've been busy making videos on YouTube.  I love working with my Silhouette Cameo machine making stickers for my planners, and show what I make on my videos.
If you're interested, head over to my YouTube Channel, I'm Doni H

And, I can be found on Instagram @faithgracecrafts

My Link Tree is HERE for all of my links to EVERYTHING! LOL!
(Amazon Influencer, YouTube channel, links to my videos, etc.)

I hope that each of you have had a wonderful year for 2018, and wish you all
the very BEST for 2019.



Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Congrats to you!! So sweet!

Doni said...

Thank you so much Debbie! I pray you have a wonderful New Year! Hugs!

Red Rose Alley said...

Your grandson is precious. I love the picture of the red flannel onsesie. Red flannel is so warm and cute to wear during the cold months. Yes, it's such a blessing to be a Grandmother, and I also became a Grandmother recently. I wish you happiness and peace in this new year.


Doni said...

Congratulations to you too Sheri!! I hope you have a blessed year with lots of love and joy! Hugs!

Paintbynumberblog said...

You are so sweet & baby is so cute. I'm too late to wish you a happy new year.
Paint by Numbers


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