Literally! I have Pink Rocks!
Does anyone know what these are? Are they quartz? They have this almost soapy feel to them when they are wet.
I found them in an out of the way flea market sale and fell in love with them.
(update: I checked to see if they felt 'warm' when held against the skin, and I can't say that they do...but it did feel warm on the rock after I held it to my arm for a moment or two.
AND, I tested it for saltiness, and WHEW! It was VERY salty tasting! I can just see y'all laughing at me because I tasted it!!! I am! Y'all might as well!!)
I went back a week later and didn't see them in the same spot......oh no.....
"OK...where are those pink rocks you had over here last week?" I asked.
She knew I'd come back.
She had only moved them. Yea!!
I rode my bike all the way home with these hanging from my handle bars in a bag...
and they didn't break!!!
I'd love to have y'all join me too for Pearls and Lace Thursday to share with us your lovelies and laces, rhinestones and pearls!
I'm joining in the party at Beverly's for Pink Saturday. Be sure and check out all the lovely pink posts and join in the party!
And I'm joining in with Cindy for Show and Tell Friday here:
Blessings!! Doni
What beautiful finds! I wish I had the time to go bargain hunting again. My hubby "the gemologist" HA says they probably are quartz stones. I never put any of our quartz in water to find out if they are soapy feeling. No matter what they are as long as you love them.
Hi Doni,
What lovely it!! That looks like rose quartz to me...does it warm up when you place it against your skin?
Happy early PS!
I wonder if they are soapstone. If you find out let me know they are very pretty. Also I really really love the pink bottle with the lady on it. A beautiful vinette as usual.
:) Michelle
Maybe it´s, as we call them here in Sweden, Mineral Salt stones. If you taste it and it´s salty, it´s probably Himalyan salt mineral. You can find lamps made of it. Both for candles and electricity. And it´s healthy...
have a nice weekend/elsamarianne
HI all your rocks that feel soapy...At first I thought of those salt rocks that are used as deodorants...natural..then I thought maybe it's something you throw in your laundry in lieu of regular detergent...but I'm not sure on either count. You could try googling pink rocks or pink soapy rocks and see what you come up with. If I find out anything, I'll be sure to let you know.
I'm so glad you were able to buy them. That's always nice when the item you are interested in, is still there :) :) :) You did a fantastic job present all your pink items today :) :) Have a lovely weekend. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
Doni, You always have the most beautiful vignettes I have ever seen. I just linger looking at them. Sorry I missed Pearls and Lace Wednesday. It has been a busy week and hope to get back on track next week. Blessings, ~~Sherry~~
P.S. I love the rocks. When I was a little girl many many many years ago, I collected rocks and kept them under my bed. Loved rocks then and love them now!!!
Hi Doni,
By the looks of it these are Rose Quartz stones. My friend wears them close to her heart.
Every stone seems to have its own energies and qualities.
I will follow your Pearl and Lace Thursday.
Have a happy weekend!
The rocks are so pretty! They look like uncut gems and are perfect in your still life arrangements!
Hugs, Diane
Nice Pink post, so happy you were able to get your Pink rocks, they are lovely, beautiful posting! Happy Pink Saturday! xoxo
What a truly lovely vignette you created for Pink Saturday!!
I think the rocks are pink quartz.
That perfume bottle is too die for!!
You have such beautiful and charming pinks. And I love the scripture too!
What beautiful PINK items! Thanks for sharing with us and have a great night!
HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!
Veri pretty post, Doni and pretty header picture, too. Again, i love your puppies! Could the rocks be pink rock salt? Happy Pink Saturday~
I hope you can find out what kind of rocks they are! Thanks for sharing. It's my first time at PS. Glad to see your pretty blog!
What a beautiful Blog you have... such eye candy... coupled with Faith... delightful! The rocks look like they could be Rose Quartz?
Dawn... The Bohemian
the rocks look like salt from the Himalayan mountains. I have lamps from this and also table salt ,because it has lots of good minerals in it.
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