Old barn wood, rusty metal roof. Tons of character! A perfect mix for a perfectly old building in Texas. Located on a some dear friends land, I took this picture one day when my husband and I went to visit. After printing it out in black and white, it has become one of my very favorite photos. I plan on "trying" to draw it with pencil. Wish I was talented in that area!!
One of the most wonderful aspects of living in the country besides the multitude of cows and horses is the barns that dot the land. I just love old barns. There's something so nostalgic about seeing one. Who built it? How old is it? I just wonder about the people that lived there and used it day to day for their animals.
Although inside faves are obvious, my outside favorites must include the old wood of an old barn or building. I like windmills too. And old tractors, fencing, and flowers. Lots of flower! The more the better!!
Roses from our garden cut and brought indoors...not right now, but a wonderful memory of beauty from a few years ago. The sun was shining through the window and make them glow. I can still smell their fragrance. When we moved, my husband lovingly brought every single bush over to our new house and transplanted them here. Thanks honey...I love you too!