
Pearls and Lace, My Favorites!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Pearls and Lace Thursday #115 Notions and Laces

It seems to me that those of us living in the United States are missing something.
As I've wandered the internet and visited so many other countries, I have found that the sewing items there are much more elaborate and beautiful than what we can find here.
The items I find here in Texas are useful and necessary, not so much lovingly handcrafted for beauty.
I guess that's why laces are so eyecatching to me.
They're beautiful!

A few years ago I purchased a very OLD, rusted, and neglected trunk that I wanted to restore.  Well, let's just say it's too far gone to be restored.  So I took the inside tray out and decided to try to use it for something.  It is very old and decrepit (is that the right way to spell that??).  Falling apart, dusty, and wobbly...it just needs some TLC.  But I wanted to use it for a post and fill it with lace.  And thread.  And buttons...

Now don't get me wrong here.  I love old sewing notions period.  Whether from near or far!  Whether metal, celluloid, wood;  buttons, lace, or thread...they all fascinate me.  I just can't pass a spool of thread or jar of buttons...and lace....well watch out!!

I'd love to have a shop that I could fill with things that were gently used so that others could enjoy them.
But I'm afraid that with my love for those kinds of things, I just wouldn't open the doors to the public, but would just play with them and take pictures....move things around and do it again!!!

With the collection of laces that I've lovingly hoarded collected over the years, I've slowly learned more and more about the way they were made, the regions certain ones were made, and the history behind them. Women all over the world love lace, and men too!  The industry of making lace in factories is also interesting, although those laces are not as exciting to me...
When I find an exceptional piece, I touch it with clean hands and great care.  I feel like I'm supposed to be a caretaker of lace.  I think that's why I have such a difficult time crafting with my laces!
But I did recently, and next week I'll show you my efforts.

One of my favorite things to do is to Pin on Pinterest.  You can see my Pin Boards here .  The fun of pinning is not just finding a picture of an object I want to pin, but burrowing further and finding the source of the picture.  Most of my finds have led me to a blog or a website of pictures that make my mouth water.  New blogs I've found have consumed my time as I click through years of back posts and I feel like I've found a new magazine that I can drool over!!
Now, I need to learn French, German, and a dozen other languages so that I can REALLY get the whole thing, but pictures say a thousand words, right??

And a wonderful surprise for me when I went to Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound!!
Dear Beverly had recognized my last Pearls and Lace Thursday post as being the most viewed last week for her Blog Party!!! I was blown away!!  Thank you Beverly, and thank you to all who clicked over here and visited!!

It's time for Pearls and Lace Thursday, and please forgive me for being so wordy today.  It must be the (diet peach) pie from Thanksgiving!!
Add the url code for your post to the link below and show us your lovelies.
I'd like to welcome my newest followers too!  Thank you all for coming to visit and for joining me each week for the party!

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I'll be joining some parties this week too!
Mosiac Monday at
Make it Pretty Monday
Today's Thrifty Treasures at
Show Off Your Cottage Monday at
Cowgirl Up Party Monday
Just Something I Whipped Up
Knick of Time Tuesday
Cottage Garden Party
Blissful White Wednesday
Adorned From Above
What's It Wednesday
Whatever You Want Wednesday
Grace at Home
Time Travel Thursday
Vintage Thingie Thursday
Minute for Me Thursday
Home Sweet Home
Feathered Nest Friday
Show and Tell Friday
It's a Hodgepodge Friday
Frugalicious Friday
A Crafty Soiree
Vintage Inspiration Friday
Inspiration Friday
Thrifty Things Friday
Simple and Sweet Fridays
Shabbylicious Friday
Potpourrie Friday
Flaunt It Friday
Pink Saturday
Sew Darn Crafty

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's a Sneak Peek at Pearls and Lace Thursday

Hello everyone!  Did y'all make it through all the cooking, eating, and shopping??
I hope you each have had time to rest, and BLOG!!
Tomorrow is Pearls and Lace Thursday #115 and I will be sharing a huge collection of guess what?
MORE Lace!!  You guessed it!

Here are a few sneak peeks:

Get ready to share your pretties and come back tomorrow to join the party!!
Hope you have a lovely day!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Blessings to You This Thanksgiving!


Joining Pink Saturday today over at Beverly's Blog!
How Sweet the Sound

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Blessings To You This Thanksgiving!

The sun was setting as I jumped out of my car with my camera and tried to catch the beauty that was before me.  A lovely display of wild berries growing up an old rusty fence, just across the street from my mailbox.
Absolutely lovely.
If I could give you each a hug, I would.  So consider yourself hugged!
If I could invite each of you to my home and sit and talk with you and enjoy your company over a pot of hot coffee, tea, or chocolate, I would do so.
You are each so special, and you have touched so many people in so many ways.  Do you know that your comments are like lights on my daily walk?  They brighten my day and give me a boost.
My sincere thanks to each of you who click on my blog and visit me.  I love sharing lovely things with you and get SO much pleasure planning my vignettes and posts each week.
I wish you each a wonderful and lovely Thanksgiving week.  If you don't happen to have a special someone or family to share it with, please consider stepping outside your comfort zone and sharing your compassion with someone less fortunate than you.
And please remember to thank God for each of your bessings.
I thank God for each of YOU!!

No Pearls and Lace Thursday this week.  The party will resume next week!
I have planned something pretty to share with you!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pearls and Lace Thursday #114 Dress Form Loveliness

Can something old and worn and rusty and out of shape truly be called lovely?
It can if it's our grandmother or a dress form!
I don't recall ever having been anywhere in my childhood that there was a dress form.
I only saw them on television or magazines.
But regardless of not having been raised with them, there's just something about a vintage
dress form that makes my heart beat a little faster.

For the past year I have been trying to come up with a name for my own dress form.  Now don't get any ideas at all that this form is in my own SHAPE (just wishful thinking)...
I think her shape makes her look like she has a spunky personality; you know the type, won't take any sass off of anyone.  Stands up to the storms of life and goes on, yet is gentle and loving to family, friends, and animals.
Ok...enough of that!

As I pondered a name to call such a character, I thought of combining a few names like Emma and Ruth, middle names of grandmothers, and then I thought of the nostalgic names from the past like Cornelia or Gertrude or Ethel.  Then I saw a name from the past that broght to memory a dear sweet lady I knew when I was in college.  She and her husband, though very elderly, still had a spark between them of love and devotion.  They were members of my church and had decided to give their time to the college 'kids' class, and host dinners and such in their home.  Such a lovely home and such wonderful people.
Her name was Nadine.

So, I'd like to introduce you to Nadine, my cheeky, spunky, and very lovely dress form!
You know what?  She has never sassed me, never been embarrased when I've dressed her in pearls and laces (in fact LOVES them too!), and is just the perfect houseguest.  She never nibbles on our food (and that's how she keeps her shape I'm sure!!).  She lives in my spare bedroom and has never once scared me to death standing there!  She just makes me happy!

It's time for Pearls and Lace Thursday!  Please join us by clicking on the Link button below and show us something Lovely that you have posted.  I am so excited with those of you who joined me last week, as well as thrilled with those of you who have recently started following me!  And the comments you've left are so a sweet!  Thank you so much, and a huge welcome to you all!

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I will be joining a few parties as well this week!  Sneak over and have a look!

Mosiac Monday at
Make it Pretty Monday
Today's Thrifty Treasures at
Show Off Your Cottage Monday at
Cowgirl Up Party Monday
Just Something I Whipped Up
Knick of Time Tuesday
Cottage Garden Party
Blissful White Wednesday
Adorned From Above
What's It Wednesday
Whatever You Want Wednesday
Grace at Home
Time Travel Thursday
Vintage Thingie Thursday
Minute for Me Thursday
Open House Party
Home Sweet Home
Feathered Nest Friday
Show and Tell Friday
It's a Hodgepodge Friday
Frugalicious Friday
A Crafty Soiree
Vintage Inspiration Friday
Inspiration Friday
Thrifty Things Friday
Simple and Sweet Fridays
Shabbylicious Friday
Potpourrie Friday
Flaunt It Friday
Pink Saturday
Sew Darn Crafty

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Pearls and Lace Thursday #113 Chintz With Lace Drawer #3

Drawer Number Three is ready for display!  I have used my violin as the backdrop along with some serendipitous finds of lovely vintage photograph BACKS!  I don't remember where or when I came upon these photographs, but the BACKS were so beautiful that I just had to show them off.
(Drawers One and Two can be seen in previous posts, just scroll down!)

The lace trims that I've collected over the years are just so gorgeous.  I wish I knew a way to safely showcase them where they'd be on display for all to enjoy.
Well hello (smacking myself on the forehead)!
 This blog!!  Duh!

You know when something not only catches your eye with its beauty, but it catches your heart and you just KNOW it was meant for you?  And on top of it all, the price is so cheap that you hug it to yourself and don't let go?  Well, this little cracked, stained, crazed piece of chintz was all that to me. 

The pictures on the front are of course wonderful...loved ones of those from long ago.  But the aged variations of the creams and brownson their backs are so soothing, and of course the graphics are lovely.  Oh to have things like this on our products nowadays.  I sometimes wonder what we purchase as a daily item today that will be a wonderful vintage find to others in the future?  Certainly NOT the plastic wrapped items and containers, right??

Pearls and Lace Thursday is here again and it's time to join the party!  Link your post's url code to the link below and share your pretties with us!
A special hello to my newest followers!!
And many thanks to all of you who have joined the party in the last few weeks.  I've thoroughly enjoyed your posts!

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I'll be joining some parties this week!  Come by and have a look!
Mosiac Monday at

Make it Pretty Monday
Today's Thrifty Treasures at
Show Off Your Cottage Monday at
Cowgirl Up Party Monday
Just Something I Whipped Up
Knick of Time Tuesday
Cottage Garden Party
Blissful White Wednesday
What's It Wednesday
Whatever You Want Wednesday
Time Travel Thursday
Vintage Thingie Thursday
Minute for Me Thursday
Open House Party
Home Sweet Home
Feathered Nest Friday
Show and Tell Friday
It's a Hodgepodge Friday
Frugalicious Friday
A Crafty Soiree
Vintage Inspiration Friday
Inspiration Friday
Thrifty Things Friday
Simple and Sweet Fridays
Shabbylicious Friday
Potpourrie Friday
Flaunt It Friday
Pink Saturday
Sew Darn Crafty


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