
Pearls and Lace, My Favorites!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pearls and Lace Thursday #73

First, I want to take a moment to say a great big thanks to Donna over at Brynnwood Needleworks.
I won a recent giveaway from her blog, and she sent me some WONDERFUL prizes!!
The book "Where Women Create" has been on my WANT list for a LONG time, and now that I stayed up for most of a night soaking it in, I can tell you....it's AWESOME!
Here are a few items from the box mixed in with today's Pearls and Lace Thursday party!

The lovely ribbon roses were the first thing I saw, and immediately I thought of this sewing box that was on my shelf. Oh....they would be friends for sure!

The little white birdie with the perfect amount of crazing!  Isn't she the sweetest thing??

And for those of you who are familiar with Donna's blog, you can see the postcard of Tag located on the left side of the picture below!  What a hoot!  He's a Corgi and evidently a much loved member of their family!!

I've lately been wrapping many of my yardage of lace trims onto vintage wooden spools.  It's so much fun to carefully wind the gorgeous laces onto a piece that will not only keep the laces in good order, but will make a beautiful display on my shelves.  I just don't seem to have enough lace! 

When I saw this lovely buckle sitting all alone in one of my treasure chests, I knew it was destined for better things, so I snipped a piece of silk ribbon, and now it has a pretty place to show off!

Thank you so much Donna for a delightful box of lovelies!  I'm having so much fun with them!
And now it's time for Pearls and Lace Thursday where YOU get to show off some of your own pretties!
Please feel free to join me by adding the url code of your blog post to the link below.
I'm going to be joining a few parties myself, so make sure you check out my sidebar where I have listed some of my very favorite places to go!  Parties I Love are blogs that have hosted blog parties.  I'm constantly running over there to see who posted what...and I'm finding some GORGEOUS blogs to follow!
Many thanks to each of you for joining me for Pearls and Lace Thursday, and a huge hug to my newest followers!

Welcome to Pearls and Lace Thursday, a place to share something beautiful from your own blog! Join me here and let us see your pretties! Please use a post url only, not a blog url or a store of any kind. Many thanks for following me!

Blessings, Doni

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Pearls and Lace Thursday # 72 Music and More Lace!

I don't know if y'all are aware, but I'm a musician.  I play the violin (see my violin post here), therefore music has always had a very large part in who I am.  As I've matured over the years, I've been able to collect different types of vintage pieces of music.  I've loved using them in my displays, and especially loved that it has become appreciated by artists for use in collages and backgrounds.  I've seen some wonderfully talented uses for old stained music and always seem to be enthralled by what y'all come up with for using it.

As I look through piles of old piano music, I wonder who it was that played the pieces.  A name might be written on a piece...pencilled in directions here and there...was she young or matronly?  Did she play for a crowd or to please herself?  Was her piano in a small home or a stately mansion?

In last week's post for Pearls and Lace Thursday, I shared some of my most beautiful piano music.
As I look at the exquisite drawings decorating the front cover of these pieces, I am totally lost in the artwork.  It's not just a piece of music, but a work of art!  How lovely to be able to enjoy the lovely florals and scrolls and fonts without even hearing the music.

This week, I'm using the beauty of the inside of the music as a background for some more laces I'd like to share with you.  I hope you enjoy!!

I guess you can say I got carried away, but setting up this group of laces and music and buttons was SO MUCH FUN!!  I mean really....getting to play with the pretties!  They are my toys you know!

a bit of pink...

With Thanksgiving here, I want to take this time to thank each of you who take the time to visit my blog, those of you who join me for Pearls and Lace Thursday, those who follow, and each of you who leave kind comments.  You are some lovely people that I am very grateful for!  I pray you are each blessed this Thanksgiving.

I'm going to be joining in a few fabulous parties! Please see the Parties I Love list on my sidebar and check out the awesome blog parties...you might even want to join them yourself!  AND...
Now...if you'd like to join me this week for Pearls and Lace Thursday, then it's time!  Please add your url code for your post to the link below, and share something beautiful and lovely with us!  There were over 20 participants last week!!!!  Y'all are the best!!
Warm hellos to my newest followers too!  
Blessings to you all,

Welcome to Pearls and Lace Thursday, a place to share something beautiful from your own blog! Join me here and let us see your pretties! Please use a post url only, not a blog url or a store of any kind. Many thanks for following me!

Blessings, Doni

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Lacy Mosaic

I just put together some of my favorite photos from my Pearls and Lace Thursday Party post.
Have you had a chance to join me yet?
Feel free to if you'd like.  Just scroll down to the previous post!
And many thanks to you all who have participated.  I am Thankful for each of you as well as the newest followers!  Your visits to my little blog excite me and make me want to make it a place of beauty to share with you.
Next week's party will be on Friday (late Thursday post), so be sure and come back.  I have already got the pictures ready and if you liked this week, you'll like next week's as well!

As we work this next week to prepare for Thanksgiving, let's not forget those who don't have a table to sit at, or a meal to eat.  Is there someone you can invite to your own table?  Is there a meal you can take to someone who doesn't have family?  I can think of many around me who would be blessed. 
I think I need to add some plates that will be easy to carry to my grocery list.
Blessings to you all!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pearls and Lace Thursday #71 Hymns and Lace!

I just love Lace....You know I do...
If you've ever visited my blog before, you know that I love Lace.
And the older the better.
Therefore, I'm going to be taking the next few weeks to share with you all my lace collection.
It actually has been shared bit by bit throughout my blog posts, but I'm going to be using many of my pieces for the next few Link Parties for Pearls and Lace Thursdays.
I'm also going to be using some of my favorites including Pearl Buttons, and Music.
All together, the look is incredible.

 I recently bought this sweet little box (below) from Joan's Etsy shop at http://www.etsy.com/shop/toby11
and just today for this photo shoot I opened it up.  Imagine my amazement when I opened up the baggie included inside and found a beautiful gold perfume bottle...
Thank you so much Joan.  It's just gorgeous!!

Well, I guess I got carried away with taking pictures!  I just couldn't stop!
Do you ever do that....find so many ways to photograph something that you can't quit?
And there's more too!  But not for today.  I have it all laid out ready for taking pictures tomorrow.
I'll be putting the LINK below for the Pearls and Lace Thursday party, so be sure and join me with your own post of something pretty you'd like to share!!  I love having you come by!
I'll be sharing this post with some neat parties out there, so be sure and check out the Parties I Love list on my sidebar.  The loveliest of blogs are hosting, and I'm so enchanted by all of your posts!
Next week on Thursday I will be eating Thanksgiving Dinner, and before that I will be COOKING (if you can call it that!)....SO next week Pearls and Lace Thursday will be on FRIDAY!!!
Looking forward to a wonderful week, and be sure and join my link party!!
Blessings to you all!

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hymns and Lace for White Wednesday

This post is just a teaser...because I'm LOVING my laces right now and I need more than one post to share them!!  These shots are just a few from my Pearls and Lace Thursday post going up this week.
Please come back and join me late Wednesday for the Party!
Here's what I'll be sharing:

Just Whites!  Well, I can't honestly say 'Just' because there are a very few other colors in there!
Please come back and see all my vintage laces in the upcoming weeks as I share with y'all the pretties I've been collecting.  Also, on Thursdays you are invited to share your own pretties with my Link Party,
Pearls and Lace Thursday.  I hope you love these photos as much as I loved playing with my collection!
Lots of different patterns and types of lace, pearl buttons, and vintage music.
Seriously, what combination could be better??
Well, I think some pink added to it would be great....
But hey...this is White Wednesday!!
Be SURE and join our host today at Faded Charm for some LOVELY whites!
The link is below.

Blessings to you all!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thanksgiving Preparations - Part One

I suppose it was bound to happen one day.  I would decide I had to host Thanksgiving!
But you see, I have a secret.  I can't cook.  At least not the kind of COOKING that you talented ladies can do.  All those years ago I tried and made so many mistakes.  The Pumpkin pie never did set, and who knew that they stuffed the turkey for you before you cooked it?  (Who-knows-what in a bag?  How gross!!)
The can of cranberry sauce wouldn't let the stuff slide out, so I had to spoon it out like jello...
The rolls were too brown, hard in fact. 
But we ate.
And now I'm going to try it again.
I'll begin with a beautiful table...that's the trick right??  If it LOOKS pretty, it will TASTE WONDERFUL!
At least that's my story and stickin' to it!
SO...here's the beginning of the Thanksgiving Preparations.

A stack of dusty dishes, glasses, serving tray and my new tablecloth.
The dishes were a garage sale find that my husband brought me earlier this summer.  Can you believe his wonderful taste?  There are actually two different sets in these stacks, but the colors and patterns are so similar, they go very well together and are hardly noticeable.

These glasses were also a garage sale find, mine, and they are something I've never seen before.  The etchings are of tulips and surround the glass.  The shape is just gorgeous!

SO...with a lovely set of china, gorgeous glasses, and a pretty tablecloth, what could go wrong???
Blessings to you all!


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