Cooling Blues!
The color of cobalt blue is one of my favorites, so that's why I have so much of it around my home.
The pieces of glass just seem to cool off the room. Especially when placed near a window where the light can actually shine through it!
I tried and tried to get good shots today, but I'm just not doing a good job with my camera.
Anyone know of a good book that can help me with my photography?
Y'all take such gorgeous pictures for your blogs....I'm jealous!
Anyway, I hope these cool colors will help us cool off for this heat wave!
A bowl full of lavender for the senses, cool black pearls for the neck...
I guess it's because water and sky are such beautiful colors in nature that I love the color blue, but I have an admission to make. I hate aqua. I've always hated that color. Do y'all remember in Elementary school, when we had those reading times where we had to get a card from a huge box full of cards, read one that had a story on it, then get the card for the 'test'. If we passed a certain number of cards in one color, we could go ahead to the next color! I stopped in the aqua section. I couldn't pass enough tests to get beyond aqua. Oh how I hated that color. I still do. So's out. I will not have aqua in my home. And turquoise, or blue/green are sometimes not allowed either. I try...I really do try not to look down on you all for having aqua colored furniture, or aqua colored clothing, but it's just not my favorite choice.
So please forgive me if I don't comment.
Aren't I silly??
If you're an aqua lover though, feel free to join me for Pearls and Lace Thursday!!! I don't mind it really...I'll even comment!!
Please feel free to add your blog post's url code to the link below.
And also please don't forget to link back to me somewhere in your post or on your blog.
I hope you all can laugh with me about husband told me to leave aqua alone because I ranted so much!! It was tongue in cheek, but I think he meant it!
Hope you all have a lovely cool weekend!!
Blessings, Doni
I remember those cards! Too funny. I do not remember which color I got up to though. Thanks for the flash back. ha ha
Hello My Friend,
I just love those rich blue colors!!! Gorgeous!
Thank you for hosting and sharing your gems with us!
Have a blessed day!
Love your blues and I remember those reading cards too!
Sharing something BRIGHT and fun to ensure I do not get banished from the list, lol!
Have a fabulous day!
Love your Blues... I don't have a lot of Blue around the House as its not a color I normally draw to even though I admire it... funny how some colors draw each of us in more than others... I'm sure there's a reason for that. And I wonder... why is there not more lovely Blue Foods???
But I have shared some Bohemian Blues I photographed in today's Post.
Dawn... The Bohemian
Your blues and pretty pearls look so good together. I know EXACTLY what you're talking about with those colors, I haven't thought about that in years. The only difference is, I liked the aqua. I think I was in 4th or 5th grade when we used those.
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