
Pearls and Lace, My Favorites!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Pearls and Lace Thursday #10

Pearls and Lace Thursday #10
The beauty of glass and pearls, old lace and hand painted china.
Why does the word 'vintage' just make my heart beat faster??

The picture below is from one of the little books I bought last weekend...
The little girl is sitting at a table and the inscription of the print is:
"You have curious things to eat",
a line from a poem in the Poems book.
I remember 'curious' things put in front of me as a child...and I probably didn't touch them!
I was what my parents called a 'picky' eater.
Still am!!

The pink brooch was a garage sale find about a month ago, and it now sits with this glass dresser set in my bathroom window, looking beautiful on a hand crocheted doily alongside the glass pearls. So Victorian and Vintage!!

Thank you for visiting me here today for Pearls and Lace #10!!
Please feel free to join me here by adding the url address of your blog post for Pearls and Lace.
Show off your Laces and Lovelies, rhinestones and pearls, we want to see them!!
Just click on the button below.


Lululiz said...

Stunning photographs!

Denise@alloverroses said...

Beautiful photography...they belong in a magazine! And the puppies are adorable!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

I love the brooch and I have a very simialr set of pink bottles like those you have showed us today!! I am trying to cut back my posts and link them to several parties in an attempt to save time this summer. I will link up next week hopefully!!


Olga Poltava said...

Wonderful treasures. I love the brooch; it's very pretty and delicate.

Anonymous said...

Doni what lovely photos!!! So great to see your party and I will have to link up sometime!!!

Thanks for commenting on my arbor my son made for me! I sure love showing it off!

bee blessed


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