I went to a real, honest to goodness, moving sale last weekend with my best friend. She and I had a fun time!
I found 3 bags of buttons and carded buttons. What sweet little treasures!!!
Here's what I found:
Aren't those leaf shaped buttons the coolest????
Yummy rhinestones!!
and the cutest baby pattern dated August 8, 1935.
So sweet!!
I love finding buttons. Looking through them is just getting to know the family that they came from. You can tell a lot about buttons from a family. Were they thrifty and did they keep everything? Are there buttons tied together with thread to keep them together? Was the owner a lover of reds, whites, or greens? You can tell styles of dresses that were worn, whether the men were in the military, or whether there were children in the family by the buttons kept in the family button jar. Always, there's something in there that's NOT a button.
I found a Hot Wheel's tire in my bags, along with a few saved stoppers from a salt shaker. The rhinestone pieces might be missing a stone or two...or more, but still, it was saved.
We that live in this generation don't really value the family button jar that once was prized by our mothers and grandmothers and even great-grandmothers. We haven't had to live through World Wars or huge Recessions where food was scarce and thread was saved.
Aren't we blessed? The buttons give evidence of those blessings. Do you save your buttons? Do you collect them to remember and get to know those from the past??
It's a wonderfully fun hobby.
Now for the party! It's time for Pearls and Lace Thursday where I invite you share your own lovelies. Do you have lace or pearls? Wonderful! Show us what you've got! From Rhinestones to Collections of vases, from Food to Fabric, share your favorites with us here. Add your post's URL code to the Link below. Please remember to link back to this post if you do!
Also, please no Ebay/ Etsy/ or any sales items. We want to see what you LOVE!!!
I'm also linking up with some FUN PARTIES! The section titled Parties I Love on my right hand sidebar has some GREAT parties!! Go over and check them out!
Blessings to you all, and Praise The Lord for the 'cooler' weather headed our way!!!
Welcome to Pearls and Lace Thursday, a place to share something beautiful from your own blog! Join me here and let us see your pretties! Please use a post url only, not a blog url or a store of any kind. Many thanks for following me!
Another one actually...and I have a few more too. BUT...I'm still looking for MORE!! Do you have one that you'd be willing to sell? Would you contact me if you do? I'm looking for those that are made of cardboard that have been covered with fabric and that have at least one drawer in them.
Here's one from a post I did a little while ago HERE that opens at the top and has two drawers in it. I love the shabby fabric and the lovely muted colors. Florals are my favorite.
I'd love to have some that had more pinks and roses on them. I think there's just something so nostalgic about them. You can also see them displayed in my craft room HERE. I keep looking for more, but haven't been able to find a lot to choose from.
Let me tell you a bit about these swans...
The one on the right was one that I was given when I was a child. A dear Great Uncle was moving into a Nursing Home, and as his house was being made ready to sell, I got to choose anything I wanted as a keepsake. I was young, as I chose this green colored swan. I kept it on a shelf in my room as I grew up, and then in my home on the same shelf as I went to have a family of my own. One day as I was at a garage sale, I saw this sweet creamy colored one! IT WAS A MATE TO MINE!! I'd never seen another one like it before. And later that year??? I met my wonderful husband!!
Hmmmm, maybe it was a sign??
I'm serious though. If you have a box (or more!!) similar to the ones I love and you'd like to sell it (them), please please let me know. I'd pay a fair price!
Now it's time for the Party!
Pearls and Lace Thursday is a weekly party that I've hosted for 60 weeks now!! I don't have a lot of attendance, but I DO have a lot of fun hosting it, and it keeps my hands busy learning my new camera and my eyes busy looking at things is a creative way. If you'd like to share something from your own blog, please do so! We'd love to see what you'd like to share. It doesn't have to be pearls or laces (they're my faves though), but it does need to be something you love. I just ask that you link back to my blog and that you don't share things you have for sale.
Please link your POST url code to the link below and show off your pretties!!!
I will be joining in some parties again this week. Please visit those parties I've listed in my sidebar to the right. There are so many lovely blogs out there! Lots and lots of pretties to behold!!
Welcome to Pearls and Lace Thursday, a place to share something beautiful from your own blog! Join me here and let us see your pretties! Please use a post url only, not a blog url or a store of any kind. Many thanks for following me!
These just have to be my new favorites! My husband and I went to our very first auction, and these were the prize! So gorgeous, and the lovely rural scenes are just so perfect. I live in a small, rural, east Texas town and though the scenes are English and from times long ago, many of them could be similar right here.
The plate above is one of my favorite scenes. The mother with her children stepping across a creek, the cows grazing close by, and the sweet church spire in the background.
Here on the teacup is a sweet scene...the ferrier working on a horse as the barnyard was the place where much work occured.
Have you ever wondered about God this way? That He is the One who draws us to Him, not that we muster up faith to believe in Him. He gives us faith as a gift and draws us! We can't do a thing! Isn't He Wonderful?!! We are so blessed. I have to remember over and over, expecially when 'things' or 'life' don't seem to be just what I'd like, that it is a blessing from God. He is working all things together for good, and for His glory, not mine. When it's hot, when it's not comfortable, when it's tedious, when it's downright painful, I try to keep in my mind that it is for God's glory.
A change of perspective does me good. When I look at things from HIS perspective, I can begin to see that.
I will be joining a number of lovely parties (listed in my sidebar to the right) this week. Please go by and visit them. There are so many wonderful things to see and places to visit. Have y'all been able to see new places in the world just because of blogging? I have! I'm so excited to find new places!!
There once was a Three Tiered Tray, made of glass and metal. It resided on a table for years and was looked at, but rarely used.
One day, the Three Tiered Tray was taken to a different table! It thought is was going to a party. Oh what type of party could it be? Would the glass dishes it was made of hold beautifully decorated petit fours? Would it hold pretty little cupcakes? Would it be destined to hold lovely chilled fruit?
But wait, what kind of table was this? And what kind of objects were already waiting for it?
These were not objects for a lovely party....they were objects for a SALE!!!
Oh no! Thought the Three Tiered Tray.
I'm going to be SOLD!!!
And so goes the tale of the Three Tiered Tray.
It sat for days while stern looking women scanned it with their knowledgable eyes, wondering if it was fit for their own tables. The poor Three Tiered Tray didn't know what to think. What if the lady with the rowdy children chose to take it....would it be broken or chipped on the way home?
What if the lady with the large purse took it? Would there be parties in the future of the Three Tiered Tray? Oh pick me, pick me!!! If only there was a way to get her attention!
But alas, passed by again, the Three Tiered Tray went for days with no one to take it home.
Until, one day a lady came by the table where the Three Tiered Tray was sitting, almost all alone.
She looked at it, picked it up even, and wasn't long in asking, "What is the price for this?"
Joy of joys, the Three Tiered Tray thought. "I'm going to a new home! Parties and pretties are my future!"
For a whole six hours the Three Tiered Tray sat on the counter in the new ladie's house. As dinner was being made, a nice hot bath was given, and then a lovely dry towel polished it until it shone.
Lucious fruits were displayed and an evening of fun by the family was enjoyed. The Three Tiered Tray tried its best to look beautiful and to hold its head up with pride. No fruit was ever served in a more lovely way than that night.
A number of days went by and the Three Tiered Tray sat on the counter. Its gold colored metal rod was not exactly the same all the way through, and the lady decided to paint it white!! Oh horrors thought the Three Tiered Tray! To be PAINTED! Oh what on earth was to happen NEXT????
JOY OF JOYS!! To get to hold such beautiful buttons! Never has she thought of buttons being displayed on her lovely glass tiers. The Three Tiered Tray had no idea what to think, because before she could even enjoy the lucious buttons on her tiers came a change.
And these with rhinestones!!
Purples, pinks and whites. Her favorite colors!! Forget the sticky sweets or the sloppy fruits! Buttons and lovelies are just perfect she thought. I'm destined for the best from now on!
And so the story of the Three Tiered Tray continues, because the best is yet to come!!
I have more ideas for my new tray, and will be sharing them in the future, but for now, I hope you enjoy these 'treats', for in fact, they're non fattening, and have no calories. Yummy to look at too!
Come join me this week for Pearls and Lace Thursday! Show off your lovelies, whether foods, bling, or pearls and laces, anything lovely is what we want to see!
Add your post's url code to the link below and please link back to this post.
There are a number of Link Parties listed on my sidebar that I will be joining, so please go on over and see what's goin' on! There are many lovely posts that are being shared!!!
Thanks so much for visiting, and a special hello to my newest followers!!!
Welcome to Pearls and Lace Thursday, a place to share something beautiful from your own blog! Join me here and let us see your pretties! Please use a post url only, not a blog url or a store of any kind. Many thanks for following me!
The color of cobalt blue is one of my favorites, so that's why I have so much of it around my home.
The pieces of glass just seem to cool off the room. Especially when placed near a window where the light can actually shine through it!
I tried and tried to get good shots today, but I'm just not doing a good job with my camera.
Anyone know of a good book that can help me with my photography?
Y'all take such gorgeous pictures for your blogs....I'm jealous!
Anyway, I hope these cool colors will help us cool off for this heat wave!
A bowl full of lavender for the senses, cool black pearls for the neck...
I guess it's because water and sky are such beautiful colors in nature that I love the color blue, but I have an admission to make. I hate aqua. I've always hated that color. Do y'all remember in Elementary school, when we had those reading times where we had to get a card from a huge box full of cards, read one that had a story on it, then get the card for the 'test'. If we passed a certain number of cards in one color, we could go ahead to the next color! I stopped in the aqua section. I couldn't pass enough tests to get beyond aqua. Oh how I hated that color. I still do. So there...it's out. I will not have aqua in my home. And turquoise, or blue/green are sometimes not allowed either. I try...I really do try not to look down on you all for having aqua colored furniture, or aqua colored clothing, but it's just not my favorite choice.
So please forgive me if I don't comment.
Aren't I silly??
If you're an aqua lover though, feel free to join me for Pearls and Lace Thursday!!! I don't mind it really...I'll even comment!!
Please feel free to add your blog post's url code to the link below.
And also please don't forget to link back to me somewhere in your post or on your blog.
I hope you all can laugh with me about this...my husband told me to leave aqua alone because I ranted so much!! It was tongue in cheek, but I think he meant it!
Hope you all have a lovely cool weekend!!
Blessings, Doni
Welcome to Pearls and Lace Thursday, a place to share something beautiful from your own blog! Please also link back to my party somewhere in your blog post! Join me here and let us see your pretties! Please use a post url only, not a blog url or a store of any kind. Many thanks for following me!