
Pearls and Lace, My Favorites!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

A June Evening

A June Evening

So I've been busy!  Did you happen to notice that I've changed the background and the template of my blog?  It took me a long time to learn how, but it's almost just how I want it.  I hope you like the changes!

It's been raining off and on today, but for the most part the sun has been shining today.
It was a quick weekend with so much going on, but I went into my craft room this evening and these goodies were ready for me to share with you, so I turned the blinds open, and it was marvelous!
The light was fantastic.

I have put myself on a spending hiatus, not purchasing anything new for months.  Until this last week...then I had to have some pink and cream goodies to add to my stash!
And speaking of stash, do y'all want to see more?
Karen Valentine is hosting yet another year and I'm almost ready!
I decided to work on the INSIDES of my storage pieces and concentrate on closeups of the lovelies I collect.  If you always wanted to peek inside the drawers, then next month is the time!

Remember when something as simple as a length of ribbon came with an embossed metal crimp to hold it together?  Seriously, even the wrapping that we usually tossed in the trash back in the day is now a piece of nostalgia!!

A pink headed corsage pin.  Now that's classy!!

Tiny details.  So lovely.

The velvet flowers with the rhinestone centers are a new favorite!  I must start looking for more of these lovelies!!

Click on the image above to go over to Karen's blog to find out the details about the party.  I plan on spending a LOT of time looking through blog land at all your creative spots and gleaning ideas for my own room!  I hope you'll enjoy visiting here again for the party!

Blessings to you!



Your photos are so eye catching! Love your new pink stashes. I always enjoy the "where bloggers create" event.

Wilma said...

Hello dear friend,

Didn't notice that you posted until now.
What a change you made on the Blog. I LOVE it !
Good for you, that you found out yourself how to do that.
The background is so beautiful.
I love your post, and YES I really love to find out what's inside all
of your drawers. Can't wait to see it.
The photo's are really lovely, like made by a pro !!
The goodies are so sweet and totally you :).

Many hugs to you, dear Doni,

The Junque Seeker said...

So many pretty things! Thanks for sharing.

Heirloom treasures said...

Doni,I haven't visited for ages ,but decided to sit down today and visit my blogger friends that I so enjoyed previously. I so love your collections and every time i go into my own stash I see the pile of little goodies you sent me long ago. I will be back more often for inspiration in future. xx

Unknown said...

"Faith, Grace, Crafts" has been included in our A Sunday Drive for this week. Be assured that we hope this helps to point even more new visitors in your direction.


Linda said...


Tea Cottage Pretties said...

Doni, I don;t know why I missed so many of your post. I have been working so hard on the piano that I have not been visiting my blog friends and I see I have missed a lot. Thank you for sharing all your lovelies. Hugs, Beverly


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