
Pearls and Lace, My Favorites!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Green Tea?

I hate to admit this, but I don't like hot tea.
There, I said it.
Now, I like it iced, but I've never been fond of it hot.
So what's my problem???
Do you have any tips that might make it possible for me to enjoy the
pasttime of drinking hot tea?
Is it the cup??
Because if it is:
I've got it made!

I think I found this cup at a flea sale.  I couldn't believe it was just sitting there waiting for me!
And I'd like you to also see something else in green.
It's a set of servers, from England.  They are marked, but my picture was blurry, so I didn't use it.
The letters are stamped on the back of the pieces and are:
PRIMES?  Then EP on another mark with others stamps of
I F & S  and another S.
Don't know if they're all correct, because it was hard for me to see it much less get a picture of it!

Can anyone tell me anything about the mark?  I don't even know what language this is!!
Russian?  French?
My husband thinks it says, "swatorhthicth shehloghhslnmandoth"
At least that's what it sounded like when he tried. LOL!!
He loves this little cup.  I think he prefers the greens.
I'm going to be linking up with the fun TEA PARTIES!!!
See the list on the sidebar to the right???  There are a bunch of Tuesday Tea Parties listed there and I'm on my way to add my post to them all!
Be sure and jump over there and check them out.  You won't be sorry!!
LOTS of gorgeous teacups and tea things....
It will make you want a cup of tea...that is if you like it!!!
Blessings, Doni


Susan said...

I love your little green teacup! The servers are awesome. Its okay not to like hot tea. But I wondered if you ever tried some of the different flavors. They make some great teas out there,you might find them in a coffee house or tea house.

Carrie said...

Your green teacup if a fabulous design..and so are those servers!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous tea cup. Maybe it is from the Cech Republic?
Is hot tea to strong or bitter for you? If so, you may be using too much leaf and brewing it for too long. If you like flavored coffee, you might try a flavored tea. There are many good tasting fall themed tea blends coming out this time of year.

Susanne said...

Love your pretties - green is fabulous!

Snap said...

Wonderful green tea cup. My favorite color is green so I am in love! :D :D Happy Tea Day!

Lynn said...

I love tea hot or cold and I LOVE your teacup and servers. I have to say I am a bit of a snob when it comes to my teacups ... I love the look of the dainty ones but I much prefer to actually drink out of something a tad sturdier - my favorite is one that I got at Amvets that says "MOTHER" on it and is embellished with pretty flowers. Maybe, like Goldilocks, you just haven't found the right fit yet. Don't give up! Thanks for visiting Cottage and Creek. I'm happy to follow your blog. Looks like fun!
:) Lynn

Johanna Gehrlein said...

Hello Doni,
I came from Sandi's but your link didn't work properly. So I searched via google and found you. This is a pretty cup you share with us. Really an outstanding design. I guess also, it was made in the Czech republik. But didn't fnd any information about the mark. Anyway, its a beauty. Thanks for sharing.
Best greetings, Johanna

Anonymous said...

Doni, such a lovely tea cup/saucer. The star design is very attractive, and green and pink are so pretty together.

Happy Tuesday,

Terri said...

Gorgeous cup and fabulous find! The green and gold pattern is really lovely. I am thinking it is Czech Republic, but the FR in front of it makes me wonder. It must be fairly old.
I hope someone else chimes in about it.
The serving set is beautiful as well. I do not know anything about silver though.

GardenOfDaisies said...

Such a beautiful green teacup!! And servers. It's fine if you don't care for hot tea. Just enjoy your iced teas in the summer!
I do wonder what type of tea you tried, and how it was prepared when you tried it, and what you may have added to it. There are so many varieties of tea and they taste quite different. (I don't like all of them either.) Different brewing times can make it strong or weak. And what you add to it, like lemon or milk or sugar, plays a big part in the taste too.

Wanda Lee said...

Dearest Doni,

I love this exquisite teacup; what lovely colours!.., So pretty!

I also adore any an all serving silver pieces from that era. Thanks for sharing them with us all..,

Thanks also so much for joining us for tea once again this week!

Hugs, Wanda Lee


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