
Pearls and Lace, My Favorites!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Joyful Praise! Antique and Vintage Hymn Books

There's just something so sweet about these old hymn books.  Most are from the late 1800's to the early 1900's.  I can picture old wooden pews peopled with folks wearing their Sunday best, standing and holding these in their hands.  Maybe they were Methodist, maybe they were Baptist, but it doesn't matter, they were singing their praises to God!
Worn and aged now, they have a softness to them that is lovely.  I've recently searched high and low for these, and now have a nice collection from which I will be sharing more of in the future.

The one above is one of my favorites.  The cover on it is incredible!
And I know....MORE BUTTONS!!!  I can't help it; do you mind??
Please indulge me my buttons.  The pearlyness of them is so soothing to me...

Ahhhhh, see!  Just like having a bubble bath without getting wet!!!

I found the little pink perfume bottle a recent garage sale, and the pink French bowls are from my mother.

The pink rose above was a new creation, made out of seam binding ribbon.  Directions for making your own lovely roses can be found here, at Becca's Blog, Amazing Paper Grace.
She is an incredible artist, very creative and full of inspiring card creations.  She has a beautiful blog in which she showcases not only her card creations, but some of her tutorials for making bows, etc.
Check her out even if you don't do paper crafting.  She has so many ideas you'll be amazed!!

The hymn book below has the most beautiful cover on it.  I took a closeup of the window, and low and behold, look what the camera caught!!!  The faint image of a city or Church or Palace through the opening!!
I was so excited!!  It is barely visible when you look at it with just your plain eyes...

and the back of the book has this:

I just love old looking papers and music...the hands of the past having loved and treasured them.
Now my hands get to enjoy them, and some day I'll pass them on to a dear someone who will also enjoy them for a time.

I'm going to join up with White Wednesday over at
and I just HAVE to join the Pink Saturday party at
so be sure and go over and have a look at all the gorgeous blogs that are participating this week.
I always feel like I've just enjoyed a lovely magazine after going to visit!!

Now since I was absent for Pearls and Lace Thursday this week, (don't ask!!), what would y'all say if we had a new giveaway to celebrate Spring finally getting here???
I will have a new Giveaway ready to go next Thursday for Pearls and Lace Thursday, so be sure and come back to find out what I've got.
Haven't picked it all out yet, and the pile will grow, but let's just say, with my party being Pearls and Lace, does that give you wee bit of a hint for starters???
AND, I've been out hitting some garage and yard sales, and I've found so many cute items!!!
Be ready next Thursday with your posts of Pearls and Lace beauties or your beloved and cherished items to share.....
Blessing to you all!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pearls and Lace Thursday #41

The Vintage Scrap Cards
Old shoes and lots of flowers.
I remember my grandmother's shoes, but they were nothing like these.  They were black tie-ons with meager heels, up to the ankle and always the same, whether new or not.  Always black.
Now these, they are cool!

I just love the artwork from this time period.  So romantic and flowery, just so sweet.

The salt and pepper shakers are a recent Etsy find!  So was the pink lacey stuff...and in fact since it's pink, I'm going to join in with the Pink Saturday Party at http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/ and share it with them!!
I saw them and just HAD to have them!

Now, the picture below is because I wanted to tell y'all how sweet my hubby is.
Have you all seen the commercial that has the little pet giraffe in it?  The one that sits next to his rich owner and kisses him, then in the newest commercial he is exercising on a treadmill, finishes and throws a kiss to the rich owner.  I think that's the cutest giraffe I've ever seen.  LOVE HIM!!
Oh I want one.  Can you imagine, sitting with you on the sofa, walking around the house looking so cute???
Well, my husband knows I love this little giraffe, so he got me one:

My giraffe has been placed to the right of my computer screen and now watches me blog.
He throws me a kiss every now and then, and he loves your blogs.

Over the last few months I've been noticing some cute word verification codes for me to type in to the blank when I comment on your blogs.
I guess this one is goes before the second one, because if you are:

then you must be:

And because I'm a scrapbooker, this one would also be appropriate:

Just a bit of fun for today.
Anyway, if you would like to join me for Pearls and Lace Thursday and attach your post's url code to the link below, please feel free to do so.  Please also link back to this post in yours, and use only the code for your post, not your blog. 
Thanks so much for your sweet comments too.
Blessings, Doni

Welcome to Pearls and Lace Thursday, a place to share something beautiful from your own blog! Join me here and let us see your pretties! Please use a post url only, not a blog url or a store of any kind. Many thanks for following me!

Blessings, Doni

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pearls and Lace Thursday #40

Roses and Blues

Maybe I should just say 'Blue Plate Special'!  My wonderful hubby found this beautiful Currier and Ives Plate when we went to Canton at the first of the month.  We live just down the road, so sometimes instead of going to First Monday, we just hit the garage sales and fleas!
Well......I'm excited!  Didn't he do good???

I also found this Trio of blue beauties...

Ceramic Art Co. Ltd.
Crown Pottery
Stoke on Trent
Manufrs of Faience??  France???
Direct From
Factory to Purchaser
Price Lists
How funny is that??

I recently found these blue books by Myrtle Reed, the Master's Violin which I shared with you last week.
Well, I just got the other two, picked one up and started reading it, and wow....I've only just started and am totally excited about the content.  Another book with musicians included in the cast....what could be better?
Victorian era dress, furniture, houses, and LOVE....
I'm in heaven!

And I'd like to invite each of you to participate with me in Pearls and Lace Thursdays.
I share just about anything I think is pretty or lovely to me, and would love for you to do the same.
It doesn't have to have pearls or even lace, but it would be great if it did!
Please attach the url of your post to the link below and then join me getting to know the participants.
I will also be linking up with the following blog parties so be sure and check them out as well.
May you have a blessed week!

Today's Thrifty Treasures at

Blue Monday at

Show Off Your Cottage Monday at
Metamorphosis Monday

Teacup Tuesday at

Teatime Tuesday at

Victoria Tuesday at

Tuesday Tea for Two at

Teatime Tuesday at

Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday at

Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday at

2nd Time Around Tuesday at

Show and Tell Friday
It's a Hodgepodge Friday
Frugalicious Friday

A Few of My Favorite Things Saturday

Welcome to Pearls and Lace Thursday, a place to share something beautiful from your own blog! Join me here and let us see your pretties! Please use a post url only, not a blog url or a store of any kind. Many thanks for following me!

Blessings, Doni

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pearls and Lace Thursday, The Master's Violin

The Master's Violin

I've been thinking about using my violin for one of my blog posts, and when I found this book, it all just came together.  It's a book by Myrtle Reed, and I'm very excited about finding it.  I have a thing for old books, and have quite a few that I've found lately.  Don't be surprised either if I use my violin again.  A lot of my new finds are old hymn books!

I also recently found some music cards from a WONDERFUL lady named Cathy at her Etsy shop SeaSeaRider and she spent time getting together a lovely set of cards especially for me.  She asked me some of my interests and came up with such a perfect set of cards, I was delighted!!!

I have a rather different bow for my violin, because it has an ivory 'frog' or handle grip, and I've had it and my violin ever since I was in high school.  I won't tell you how many years that has been!!!

The hand-painted bowl is another one of my very favorite things, and I might use it as the centerpiece of my new blog heading.  Who knows, maybe I'll use my violin too!

Many of you share with us the ups and downs of your lives, and I just wanted you to know:

I'll Pray for Thee!!
Feel free to join me this week for Pearls and Lace Thursday (although I'm late posting, we'll still have fun!).
Add your post's url to the link below and share with us your pretties!!
I'll be joining in some parties too, so go by and see what fun we have!

Show and Tell Friday
It's a Hodgepodge Friday
Vignette Fridays
Frugalicious Friday
A Crafty Soiree

Vintage Inspiration Friday

May you each have a blessed week!

Please add your POST's url, not the blog url to the link below.  Thanks so much for being a part of the Pearls and Lace Thursday party!


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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pearls and Lace Thursday #38

Faded Red = PINK!
Actually maybe it's more mauve, but still pinky nevertheless!
And I just love it.

I recently added the little box that the teacup is sitting on to my vintage finds.  It's a little sewing box or glove box and has seen better days, but I think it's time for a new life for it.  I wondered about perhaps putting some pretty vintage material around the bottom and sides, but I love the color.  The inside of it is awful, like it's falling apart and yucky, but after some tlc I think it will be sweet again!

My very favorite thing to share with you today though is something from FRANCE!!!
I saw some of these LOVELY music cards that one of you very awesome ladies had used on a tablescape and fell absolutly in LOVE with them.  Now, I play the violin, and these cards were just meant for me.
I am showing y'all 2 of them, one is even hand-written music and just awesome.

Lovely bobbles (don't you love that word...) of pearls in pinks and white...

and some very old beads from a broken necklace.

This very very old family album has lost its velveteen lustre, but the color and medallions are still beautiful.

And then there are Pearls, and Lace...crocheted roses that are a gorgeous faded pink in color. 
I love to find things like that!
Thank you for joining me for Pearls and Lace Thursday.
Now it's time for you to join me!  Just add your post's url code to the Link below and let us see what beauties or bobbles (there's that cool word again) you have to share.

I'll be joining these parties on Friday:

As well as all the Friday parties listed below:
Show and Tell Friday
It's a Hodgepodge Friday
Frugalicious Friday

A Crafty Soiree
Vintage Inspiration Friday

I'm also joining up with the ladies for Pink Saturday at http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/
be sure and come by and join the fun there.
It seems that I've been on a pinky theme lately...hmmmm
maybe BLUE or PURPLE for next time!

Have a blessed day!!

Welcome to Pearls and Lace Thursday, a place to share something beautiful from your own blog! Join me here and let us see your pretties! Please use a post url only, not a blog url or a store of any kind. Many thanks for following me!

Blessings, Doni

1. Sonya  3. Tea Diary  5. Giveaway + Learn a bit about polar bears!  
2. Kerry  4. Featured Artisan  

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