
Pearls and Lace, My Favorites!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Favorite Teacups on my Cake Stand!

I just can't pick one, or even two to call my favorites....and in fact I have others that I would describe as some of my favorites, but they won't all fit on the cake stand!!
These are the 4 I chose (some because of size) to have this special place of honor in my house.
And the cake stand?  Well, it's a present from one of my dear friends.  She made my wedding cake for my wedding, and this was the stand she used and gave as a gift to us.  I love it because I love her!

Delicate roses on a Bavarian cup and saucer,

colorful flowers surrounding the saucer and inner rim of this set,

pale, pale pink cup and saucer with a spray of beauty for the eye as you sip,

and heavily guilded edges with lovely sprays of blooms to complete the arrangement.
Hmmm, I notice that it's missing something....
Perhaps a small posy in the middle of the 4 cups and saucers would complete it.

This blue and white doily is one that I made last year by copying one I found at a sale somewhere!
I love it and it goes well in my kitchen.
Well, I hope you liked my contribution to the Tea Parties this week.
I'm joining in a few of them, listed below.
And don't forget this Thursday is Pearls and Lace Thursday.
Hope to see you there!
Now go ahead and check out all the parties linked below!!!
Have a blessed week!

Teacup Tuesday at

Teatime Tuesday at

Victoria Tuesday at

Tuesday Tea for Two at

Teatime Tuesday at

Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday at

Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday at

Tea Cup Tuesday at

2nd Time Around Tuesday at

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pearls and Lace Thursday #37

Ribbons and Roses
But they're last year's roses.
I can't wait for this year's roses to bloom.  I will want to pick every one of them I know, but I try not to do that.  Only the first ones maybe get picked, then I know I can enjoy them the rest of the summer.
But those first lovely blooms...can't you smell them right now???
They have to come inside.

I was so delighted last summer to find a small collection of Limoges porcelain.  They are the smallest ones I've ever seen.  They each have a print of the a courting couple on them, and a small sprig of flowers on the opposite side of some.  Then there's the little teapot with a spray of delightful primroses on it.  The lid is deparate.  They're so dainty and cute!

I went a bit overboard on the ribbon I think.  But the light cream color mixed with pinks were so pretty...one of my favorite color combinations!

The are the pink rocks that I found last summer and almost passed up!  In fact, I had to make another trip out to purchase them, fearing for a whole week that they would be gone!

This pair of buttons are made of plastic I think, but the pink rhinestones on them are so cute! I love these buttons and would love a whole drawer full!  I have others that are the cream/white color with clear rhinestones in them that I also love.

Hope you're having a lovely week.  I'm going to be joining the Pink Saturday party this week at

As well as all the Friday parties listed below:

Show and Tell Friday

It's a Hodgepodge Friday

Frugalicious Friday
A Crafty Soiree

Vintage Inspiration Friday

be sure and come by and visit the party-goers and enjoy all their pink pretties and join in too!
You can my Pearls and Lace Thursday party too.  Just add your blog post url to the link below.
Looking forward to perusing your blogs and seeing all your pretties!
Blessings,  Doni

Come and join me for a Pearls and Lace party!  Share your pretties by attaching your blog post's url to the link.  Thanks for joining me!

1. Breath of Fresh Air  2. Handmade Soaps!  3. Silken Purse  

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pearls and Lace Thursday #36

I Heart Pearl Buttons!
I found some PINK!! (Wink!)  If you saw my last post, I was trying to get some PINK to have for Pink Saturday.  Well, with the heart theme going on this week, I looked around and found this pin cushion!  Be sure and check out the Pink Saturday Party at http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/ 
This vintage piece was from a dear lady's sewing things.  She allowed me to have all of her sewing tins, and this was one of the finds!

Now you know how much I love pearls, and of course lace, but I love buttons too...especially PEARL buttons!  I love the lustre, the shades of white from bright to cream, the natural glow of them.  They are gorgeous and I love working with them.  I also love to look at them!!

I've found a number of unique styles and shapes of buttons in my perusing, but these are some of my favorites.

The picture above of the square glass buttons is my very favorite.  I just can't get enough of the shades of cream!  I have a few pink buttons thrown in to help show the difference too.  I think favorite is that darker button at the bottom left of the picture...it's just about perfect!

And I just must show you a few rhinestone studded buttons too!  But wait, if you look, you'll see they are actually pearlized too!

Now that we've seen the Pearls, I'll show you LACE!!!

I have been playing with my camera again, reading the direction book (Aha!!) and really trying hard to understand all the technical jargon so that I can improve my picture taking.  I have found the Bracket setting which allows me to set a variable with which the camera will shoot three different lighting settings of the same shot.  I take three pictures of each shot, and choose the best lighting of the three!  It wastes some space on the card, but I always delete my card contents after a photo-shoot anyway, so who cares?
Now, I'm still trying to learn, but I think the pics are better.  What do you think?
Join me this week for Pearls and Lace Thursday and share something pretty with us!
Add the url code from your POST, not blogsite, to the link below and let others know about the party too!
Have a WARM weekend!

Welcome to Pearls and Lace Thursday, a place to share something beautiful from your own blog! Join me here and let us see your pretties! Please use a post url only, not a blog url or a store of any kind. Many thanks for following me!

Blessings, Doni

1. Make Your Own Massage Oil  

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Friday, February 4, 2011

"Wink" Saturday!

It's not Pink
It's Garnet...lovely dark RED!
I know, it's supposed to Pink for Pink Saturday, but well, I don't have much pink around my home.
I have 2 sons, 3 nephews, and only ONE step-daughter, so I don't have a lot of pink.
Will you still let me join you???
I wanted to share my Garnet.  Garnet the puppy!!
She is one of a litter of 6, but I need to take some pics of her for her new owner.
She has a sister named Scarlet that is a bit smaller than she is! And there are 4 other babies in this litter too.
you can see all of our puppies on our website at http://www.bachndachs.com/

My husband helped me with taking pictures.  We even tried to get her to pose from a teacup, but she's a bit too big for that.  And, I'm still trying to get my lighting figured out for my photos.  Maybe I'll have a better setup next time I post.

Garnet is the birthstone for January, and one of my favorite stones too, so I have a lot of this color in my decorating.  I notice too that I wear this color a lot. 
Well, I hope I'm still allowed to join the Pink Saturday Party...
and I must thank Beverly  for hosting Pink Saturday at http://www.howsweetthesound.typepad.com/
Come on over and see what fun we have!
Blessings, Doni

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pearls and Lace Thursday #35

For the Love of Purple

A warm greeting to you all!  Hope you're each snuggled up with a hot cup of cocoa or tea, a nice fire in the hearth, and a warm puppy in your lap.  If you need a puppy, give me a call!! (wink wink!!)
I have recently purchased this hand painted dish and have been seeing nothing but purple all week!
In the midst of ice, sleet, and snow, as well as a cold house and lots of puppies in my kitchen, I decided to tough it out and take pictures of it in a very cold room!!!

It's signed simply "Patty".  I think it's gorgeous, and because I love purple and violets, well, you can't get much prettier than this!

This little acorn pin with the purple rhinestones looked so pretty, I decided to put it in the pictures too.
And I know I'm missing some stones from these purple "ear bobs", but they went so well!  And of course, my favorite children's books, both a beautiful purple, one lilac or lavender, the other dark purple.

I'm still working on my lighting and my photography.  At least I have figured out how to get the focus to work, but I still need to practice on the ISO and exposure!  I still have no clue!!
Please join me for Pearls and Lace Thursday!
Add your blog post url, not the blog url or a store, and share with us your pics!
Hope you're having a wonderful week!
Blessings, Doni

Welcome to Pearls and Lace Thursday, a place to share something beautiful from your own blog!  Join me here and let us see your pretties!  Please use a post url only, not a blog url or a store of any kind.  Many thanks for following me!

Blessings, Doni

1. Doni @ faithgracecrafts  4. rozenvanpapier  7. Pearls & Hearts  
2. Dawn... The Bohemian  5. More Purple!  8. Vintage Valentine @ Create With Joy  
3. Petite Hermine  6. Love Is In The Air  

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