Hello to you all!! I certainly hope you are all experiencing nicer weather where you are!
We have finally sprung into spring (although another day of cold is expected), but the flowers don't care. They have started blooming!!
I have been busy printing off sheets of cardstock with 9 images on each page. Why?
Well, I'm making bobbin cards to wrap my smaller amounts of lace trims and some older embroidery threads. I decided that I liked the look of the vintage and antique thread cards, so I went to my computer and started printing things I thought would work nicely.
Images that were used are from blogs like The Feathered Nest where Dawn such amazing lovely work and generously shares her wealth of beauty and materials with us. Others are from The Graphics Fairy, and Pinterest. Because I don't ever sell anything (I'm a bona fide hoarder!!), keeping up with the donator of the free graphics has been difficult. Please forgive me if I have used something that you shared and not given you credit. If you will let me know, I will add your information to this post!
My past trys at making these had made me think about how I could make them a bit prettier, and perhaps a bit more feminine. The blocky shapes did not excite me as much as the ones that were smaller, but I wanted to make some of the bobbins that had the trifold or quartet folded styles.
A bit of looking around and I found a shape that would work. Taking my pencil, I traced the outline from a Spellbinders template, and then I played with it. Making the top half a bit smaller than the lower half seemed to give it the form I wanted. By the way....I thought about my violin and how I could take the shape of my violin curves and make some violin shaped bobbins! I will give that a try next week!!
OK. What did I do?
After printing out the page of images (9 per page seemed the right size), I traced and cut three forms from my self-made template.
Fold each one in half lengthwise with the printed side in.
Place adhesive on the same side of each back (I used the top side of each of the pieces shown above).
Carefully match up two of the cut pieces so that they line up and stick together. Add the third piece and adhere them together.
The final sides to stick together are the first and last, and when stuck together the three cards will now make one trifold card bobbin.
If you just wanted to make a single card, I suggest making the top piece out of cardstock, and reinforcing it with a piece of file folder (cheap!!) cut exactly to fit. Adhere them together, decorate, and it's done!
If you make some of these let us know! I'd love to see how they turned out!
It's time for Pearls and Lace Thursday!
The link is below, and I am excited to see what you have to share this week!!
Thank you to all of you who have left such sweet comments and who have joined my party. You truly make my week delightful!
Welcome to Pearls and Lace Thursday, a place to share something beautiful from your own blog! Join me here and let us see your pretties! Please use a post url only, not a blog url or a store of any kind. Many thanks for following me!
Hello ladies! Thank you so much for joining my blog party last week!
I had a bit of trouble leaving a comment on your links Sarah...blogger wasn't being nice to me!!
But let me just say, I'm dreaming of cookies and cupcakes!!
I seem to always go back to the laces...just lacey goodness. But I wanted something a bit more interesting for the background, so I chose to use the backs of some cabinet cards. Nothing wrong with the fronts, but I find the backs are just as lovely. Sprinkle in a bit of real sunshine through lace curtains, and you get this!
Detalied drawings and graphics make them so unique.
There are so many variations of cream that I have thoroughly fallen in love with them. Much inspiration comes from the muted colorings and textures....it makes me want to get my hands busy!
I wonder why the graphics on things today are so hum drum...when it would be so easy to have lovely graphics and images that inspire? And would be kept for the future to enjoy instead of being trashed.
Oh dear, now HOW did that picture get in here???
Can you see how GREEN he is?? My husband called me outside to see it...it was sooooo tiny!
Hope it stays out there or I will be calling HIM to come and get it!
Well let's start the party! Link below with the url code from your blog post and let's see your lovlies!
Did y'all visit last week's participants?? SUCH pretty things!! Y'all are finding and making some really awesome things!!
A big hello to my newest followers too!! I've been perusing your blogs and finding oh so much to inspire me!
Have a lovely week.
Welcome to Pearls and Lace Thursday, a place to share something beautiful from your own blog! Join me here and let us see your pretties! Please use a post url only, not a blog url or a store of any kind. Many thanks for following me!
Do you want to try to make a crochet rose? I was asked for the pattern by Teresa (thank you!!), and now I have a bit of a tutorial ready to share. Let me stop right here and say this though: I am not a great crocheter, I only look at things and 'try' to make them. I don't know what to call certain stiches, but I can usually figure it out by looking, so please please forgive my mistakes! Any help y'all can give me to make this correct would be appreciated. And please forgive the less than stellar photos!!
I'm posting earlier than usual this week because I have satellite internet....
and there's a storm coming, and I wanted to be SURE and post my efforts this week!!
OK. Here is what I'm making.
This is a three rowed crochet rose.
In the picture above, you can see 5 finished roses, the bottom one shows the back of the rose.
I will type out a copy of the complete directions at the bottom of this post if you want to copy and paste it to your computer to keep. All I ask is that if you use it to please give credit back to me and this blog.
I used size 10 thread and a size 6 metal crochet hook.
Start with a chain of 7 stitches, and close to make a ring. Chain 3 and then treble crochet (tc) 14 more for a total of 15 stitches into the middle of the ring. ch. 3. (picture below)
We will make a series of 'loops' next by skipping over three stitches of the completed tc's and then single crochet (sc) in between the stitches. (see picture below, green stitch). There will be a series of 3 chains, sc, for a total of 5 loops around the circle.
Below is a picture of the completed loops around the circle.
The loop is where the first row of petals will be stitched (below).
In the first loop, sc, 3tc, sc. Then move to the next loop (petal) and repeat all the way around.
You should have a row of five petals making the first round of petals.
You are now back at the beginning of the first petal. Turn your work face down and bend the first petal down. Slip stitch over (blue thread) to the middle of the first petal (see both pics below) aiming for the loop encased in the petal stitches.
Here you can see the green loop inside the petal stitches where I am slip stitching toward the middle of the petal.
Begin a series of chain loops with 4 chains, then a slip stitch into the base of the middle of the back of each petal on the first row. You will actually be making these loops on the back of the rose. (below, blue thread)
Inside each loop, sc, 5tc, sc. until all 5 petals are complete. This will be your second row of petals.
Again, bend the first petal over and slip stitch over to the middle of the petal, and begin making loops for the third row of petals using 5 chains for each loop. (yellow thread).
Here is a closeup of the back of the rose, completed. I usually slip stitch over and then tie off to finish.
Ch. 7, close to make ring, ch 3 then tc 14 more for a total of 15 stitches around ring. Close circle and ch 3.
Count over 3 stitches and sc inside the tc stitch, repeating around the circle for a total of 5 loops where the petals will be made.
In the first loop, sc, 3tc, sc, repeat making the first row of 5 petals.
slip stitch behind the first petal along the loop or base of the petal to the middle of the petal.
ch 4, then one slip stitch in the back middle of the next petal all the way around.
Make the second row of petals inside the loops by sc, 5tc, sc for each loop or petal.
Slip stitch along the back of the first petal again to the middle of the base of that petal, then ch 5.
Make these loops around the petal bases by slip stitching in the back middle of the next petal all the way around.
Third row of petals, sc, 7tc, sc in each loop all the way around. Slip stitch a few behind the petal and tie off.
Your rose will curl up by itself, but you might want to shape it to look nice.
Knowing that I am inclined to making mistakes, please watch for corrections during the next week...and please let me know if you see something that needs to be changed!!
Let me know if you try this!! I'd LOVE to see what you do!!
You can email me pictures of your roses and creations!
I am so excited to be making new friends each week as new followers come to see my blog, and as each of you leave such lovely comments! Thank you to each of you too who join the Pearls and Lace Thursday party. It's not a party without you!
This week's party is ready to go, so just link your url code to the link below!
Welcome to Pearls and Lace Thursday, a place to share something beautiful from your own blog! Join me here and let us see your pretties! Please use a post url only, not a blog url or a store of any kind. Many thanks for following me!
Mosiac Monday at http://dearlittleredhouse.blogspot.com/ Make it Pretty Monday http://thededicatedhouse.blogspot.com/ Today's Thrifty Treasures at http://southernhospitalityblog.com/ Craftastic Link Party at http://www.sewcando.com/ Show Off Your Cottage Monday at http://houseinroses.blogspot.com/ The Scoop Party Monday http://farmhouseporch.blogspot.com/ Just Something I Whipped Up http://www.thegirlcreative.com/ Knick of Time Tuesday http://knickoftimeinteriors.blogspot.com/ Open House Party http://nominimalisthere.blogspot.com/ Cottage Garden Party http://lavendergardencottage.blogspot.com/ Hope in Every Season http://www.hopeineveryseason.com/ Blissful White Wednesday http://www.timewashed.com/ Adorned From Above http://www.adornedfromabove.com/ What's It Wednesday http://ivyandelephants.blogspot.com/ Home Party http://sandimyyellowdoor.blogspot.com/ Whatever You Want Wednesday http://www.freeprettythingsforyou.com/ What We Accomplished Wednesday http://www.greenwillowpond.com/ Grace at Home http://www.impartinggrace.com/ Time Travel Thursday http://thebrambleberrycottage.blogspot.com/ Vintage Thingie Thursday http://coloradolady.blogspot.com/ Minute for Me Thursday http://marciascraftysewing.blogspot.com/ Home Sweet Home http://thecharmofhome.blogspot.com/ Feathered Nest Friday http://frenchcountrycottage.blogspot.com/ Show and Tell Friday http://romantichome.blogspot.com/ It's a Hodgepodge Friday http://itsahodgepodgelife.blogspot.com/ Frugalicious Friday http://decormamma.blogspot.com/ A Crafty Soiree http://www.katiesnestingspot.com/ Vintage Inspiration Friday http://commonground-debrasvintagedesigns.blogspot.com/ Inspiration Friday http://www.atthepicketfence.com/ Thrifty Things Friday http://thethriftygroove.blogspot.com/ Simple and Sweet Fridays http://rootedinthyme.blogspot.com/ Shabbylicious Friday http://shabbyartboutique.blogspot.com/ Potpourrie Friday http://twenty-eight-0-five.blogspot.com/ Flaunt It Friday http://chiconashoestringdecorating.blogspot.com/ Pink Saturday http://www.howsweetthesound.typepad.com/ Sew Darn Crafty http://sewmanyways.blogspot.com/
Hello to you all! I hope the weather where you are is warming up for those of you above the equator, and cooling off nicely for you ladies below the equator!!
I am so excited to have some new followers to my blog! Welcome to each of you, and for those of you who left such lovely comments last week about the pink and cream collage tutorial, thank you so much!!
I am currently having major problems with my satelite internet for my home computer, so I do not know if I will be able to place a link for the party below. If you do not see the link, I cannot add it!!
(The repairman just left the house and I'm in business now!!)
I have another collage in mind, and these pastels are the ones that are inspiring me for the project.
I have always loved the look of these colors together, variegated beauty! The J&P Coats threads are some of my very favorites. I found a listing ages ago for a lot of pastel threads, and when I got them I was delighted! Just like a kid in a candy store!
The bits of tatting and trims along with the gorgeous crocheted doilies I've collected are so much fun to play with!! And to top it all off, I recently picked up this little pink dish (above) at a yard sale for a dollar!!
Have you ever seen any bobbins like these before? The whole collection was offered for sale on Etsy sometime last year, right before I began the big Craft Room REDO where I traded our guest room with all my craft room supplies. Now that it is finished (well almost!), I have found some items like these that I have not previously shared with you. I thought they were so cute!
You DO realize I have a thing for not only pearls and lace, but thread and sewing notions??
Above is a pineapple heart pincushion that makes my heart beat fast to see. It will be one of my projects to try to recreate in the future. Below are some interesting pieces of French knot roses that previously were decorations on some type of textile. I bought the pieces as is, and therefore they were already cut out, but the colors and textures were right down my alley, so I just HAD to have them!!
The crocheted roses below are some that I made last year, and one of you lovely ladies has asked me for the pattern for them. SO, next week I will share the pattern I made out. I am not an expert by any means, and want you to know that up front. I will do my best to give you the correct way to make them, but you'll have to go by the pictures I took to really get the idea!!
So, did you remember that today is the day of the Giveway winner to be announced?
This lovely collection of laces and trim, buttons and ribbon are going to a new home.
Congratulations to MARILYN over at Heart Song who is the winner!!
Please send me your address so I can get this package to you!!
It's time for Pearls and Lace Thursday! Please join us as we share our pretties!
Just link the url code from your post to the link below, and be sure and visit the other participants!
I'll be joining a few parties too, and that list is below this party.
I hope and pray you each have a lovely week.
Welcome to Pearls and Lace Thursday, a place to share something beautiful from your own blog! Join me here and let us see your pretties! Please use a post url only, not a blog url or a store of any kind. Many thanks for following me!