
Pearls and Lace, My Favorites!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pearls and Lace Thursday #64 and a Winner!

Wildflowers and Roses
The items I'm sharing this week for Pearls and Lace Thursday were for the most part items I recently came across through garage sales, flea markets, and online shopping.

I have recently had a huge love for sewing items, especially boxes and lace.  Or maybe I should say boxes full of lace!  (that is if I could find them full!)

And another item I'm loving right now is books.  OLD books!

My love for music has been life-long, therefore the beautiful covers of works of music always catch my eye.

And these boxes are perfect for storing lovelies and laces!

I am going to be making these pincushions for gift-giving as well as possibly to sell at my etsy store and ebay....  It looks so easy!  2 doilies, an inner pillow for needles or just looks, and a ribbon to hold it together!  This one I found in an etsy store.  It is a pair of tatted doilies and soooo adorable!  I just had to have it!

And now for the winner of my giveaway.  Thanks to each of you who joined me for Pearls and Lace Thursday last week!  Y'all have some GORGEOUS items and I'm so glad you shared them with us!

Dawn you Bohemian you....I can't leave a comment on your blog!!! I've tried and tried...
but thank you anyhow for joining me so many wonderful weeks for P&L!!!
Love your style lady!!

We're having another party today!  It's time for Pearls and Lace Thursday.  Please be sure and add your post's url code to the link below (not your blog's url), and please link back to this post somewhere on your blog.  I love joining the parties out there, and it's so much fun to see what everyone shares. 
I'll be joining a few this week as well, so be sure and have a look at the List of Weekly Link Parties to the right on the sidebar!!!

OK...now it's time.  The winner of my giveaway is Mary!
Be sure and check out her PYREX blog!  It's amazing!
Mary, please check your email because I'm going to send you the news and request your address!!
Thanks so much to each of you who follow and comment and join the party!
Hope you all have a wonderfully blessed weekend!

Welcome to Pearls and Lace Thursday, a place to share something beautiful from your own blog! Join me here and let us see your pretties! Please use a post url only, not a blog url or a store of any kind. Many thanks for following me!

Blessings, Doni

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Giveaway Ends Tonight!!

If you haven't put your name in the hat for my Giveaway yet there are only 12 hours left!
It's almost noon here, and at midnight tonight the giveaway will be over.
I will be picking a name from all the entries and will post the winner tomorrow for Pearls and Lace Thursday!
Be sure and go to my PREVIOUS POST to be entered.  Comments left on this post will not be counted.
I have a lot of extras to add too...and I don't think you'll be disappointed.

I have lots of sewing items and vintage goodies, clear stamps, recipe cards (I just got some more recently too!!), and I'll be adding some lace and some pearls!!  Be sure and enter on the previous post.  One lucky person will receive the whole kit-n-kaboodle!
And don't forget that tomorrow is Pearls and Lace Thursday!  Get your post ready to link to the party and I'll see you tomorrow!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pearls and Lace Thursday #63

The Pearls and Lace Bride's Cap
It's the perfect piece for Pearls and Lace Thursday! 
I'm going to be using it a lot I'm sure in different displays too...
I couldn't purchase it fast enough when I saw it.  And though it's NOT a part of the Giveaway, I hope you enjoy the pictures of it. 

Can you see the young woman who would have worn this?  I picture her as a dark headed bride, in an ivory lace dress, long gloves, flowing skirt.  Her groom must have worn a black tuxedo and an ivory bowtie.

The hands that lovingly worked for weeks to attach each of the pearls...and the colors!!  Oh wow, they are wonderful.  I just love the romance of pearls with lace.  Do you???

The picture below is of some of the items that will be in the Giveaway

I have a number of items that I will putting into a box and sending to the winner of this Giveaway.  More items will be added all week long.
Rules for joining are:
1.  Be a Follower of Faith, Grace, Crafts  (one entry....leave a comment that you either already follow me or are joining my followers list).
2.  Just leave a single comment telling me why you like pearls and laces! (one entry)
3.  Join my linky party on this post by attaching your post's url code to the link below.  Please no sales, Etsy shops, or Ebay items.  Just a blog post url sharing something with us for Pearls and Lace Thursday. (one entry).
Winner will be chosen from the entries received from now until next Wednesday at midnight Central time.
Any one from any where may enter.
I will be adding other items as I come across the during the week.
Be sure and leave me an email address so I can contact you should you be the winner.  I will need to hear back from you within 2 days of being notified.
Thanks to each of you for making blogging such fun!
I love all the brilliant ideas, gorgeous photos, and creativity you share with us!
OK....I'm going to join a few other parties too!  Do you see the list I keep on the sidebar of my blog?  Well, they are some wonderful blogs that you need to check out.  There are Link parties that have been going on now for a long time, and they are awesome!  Go over and check them out!!!

Welcome to Pearls and Lace Thursday, a place to share something beautiful from your own blog! Join me here and let us see your pretties! Please use a post url only, not a blog url or a store of any kind. Many thanks for following me!

Blessings, Doni

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Gift For A Dear Friend

It's The Tuesday Tea Party Day!!
I've decided to share a recent find with y'all that I'm going to be giving to a dear friend for her birthday (though belated!)
Her favorite color is blue, her spirit is sweet, and she's a Christian sister who delights in the Word of God.

The cobalt blue really stands out, but look at the outter rim!  It's the prettiest light blue color.

The interior of the cup at the center is white, but the eggshell color of the gilded trim next to the cobalt blue makes this cup very unique.  The gilding is hand done and makes the detail stand out.

There are no marks on the bottom, but with such a pretty set, who really cares??
BUT, if any of you just happen to know the pattern or maker, could you please let me know?
Thanks so much for visiting me today.
I see that I have some lovely new followers as well!  Y'all don't know how excited that makes me!
Just to know someone would come by and visit is wonderful, but to follow as well!!!
Thank you all so much.  You make blogging so much fun!  I love to think about what I'll be sharing the next time I post!
And speaking of the next time, this Thursday is Pearls and Lace Thursday....AND I'm having a GIVEAWAY!!  The hottest of the summer days is over, and Praise God, IT RAINED HERE!!!!
We actually had MUD!!!  It's been months and months, the trees are dying, fires are all around, but we have finally had a lovely rain.
In honor of the end of summer, I'd like you all to come join me on Thursday (Wednesday evening if I can get it posted sooner), and enter my Giveaway.  I am putting together some lovely pieces that I hope you will be excited about.  I will also be sharing a GORGEOUS bridal cap that I recently found...and it's made out of Pearls and Lace!  What could be more perfect?  (Actually, the DRESS would, but I don't have it!)
So...come back and check out the party this Thursday.

Now....I will be joining some wonderful Link Parties with this post.
On the sidebar of my blog I have a list of parties that I participate in.  Please go by and visit them.  I keep the list there all the time so that if you'd like, you can go by all week long and easily find the links.
Thank you to all the party hostesses who keep the fun going week after week.

Hope to see you all on Thursday!
Blessings, Doni

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pinks and Pearls for Pink Saturday!

I'm giving y'all a hint for what I have in store for my Pearls and Lace Thursday Party next week...
It's beautiful...it's pearly, and it's lacey!!

Right now it is the center of attention on top of my vanity.  Oh, I know you'll be drooling when you see it. 
I hope you love it as much as I do.
I think it must be time for another GIVEAWAY!!!
Next week that is!
Be watching and getting ready to participate.  I will have some goodies from my stash to give to a sweet someone out there!

Hope you all have a lovely cool weekend with lots of blessings.
I'm joining up for Pink Saturday at
Be sure and go by to view all the pink participants!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Pearls and Lace Thursday #62 "Three Tiered Tray Reunion"!!

"I couldn't believe my eyes," said the Three Tiered Tray.  "In the arms of the lady who bought me sat my SISTER!!"

A Family Reunion of sorts.
If you haven't read part One and would like to catch up, please click here for a previous post about the Three Tiered Tray.

Now to continue:

As the lady walked into the room where the Three Tiered Tray resided, exclamations could be heard between the two Tiered Tray Sisters.
"DARLING!  How ARE you????"
"Oh my DEAR!  I can't believe you're HERE!!"
They shone beautifully at each other as only glass trays can. 
(I know, you're thinking smarmy...let's just call it poetic license ok?)
As they beamed at each other and caught up on the rudeness of the "SALE", they watched out of the corner of their etchings while the lady who bought them walked back and forth, back and forth, in and out of the room.  Rhinestone buttons, brooches, earrings and bracelets, even necklaces and long strings of rhinestones were being placed on each of the trays.
"Ahhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh!" They said as each piece was placed.  "Oh sister, you look marvelous!!"
Now the the One Tiered Tray had always been slightly jealous of here sister the Three Tiered Tray.  It wasn't because she was prettier than her sister, but she got to hold the daintiest of things while the One Tiered Tray always seemed to have to hold the heavy things.  But this was different.  As she watched her sister become glorified with beautiful rhinestone jewelry, she herself was being decked out with pieces that began to shine.
Lights were moved around, and then a CAMERA came into view.
"Sister, you better hold still and smile for the camera!!" The Three Tiered Tray told her sibling.  "We're going to be on the INTERNET!!"
"What?  ME???  On the INTERNET?"  She just couldn't belive it.

What a glorious future the ladies were going to have.  That evening the two were left alone so that they could catch up on all that had transpired since they were parted a few weeks ago.
And, they were left to play dress up with all of the rhinestone jewelry for the night.
The lady who bought them was tired.
But she had other plans for them in the future.

Again, yummy to look at and NO calories! 
Come join me this week for Pearls and Lace Thursday! Show off your lovelies, whether foods, bling, or pearls and laces, anything lovely is what we want to see!
Add your post's url code to the link below and please link back to this post.
There are a number of Link Parties listed on my sidebar that I will be joining, so please go on over and see what's goin' on! There are many lovely posts that are being shared!!!

Thanks so much for visiting, and a special hello to my newest followers!!!



Welcome to Pearls and Lace Thursday, a place to share something beautiful from your own blog! Join me here and let us see your pretties! Please use a post url only, not a blog url or a store of any kind. Many thanks for following me!

Blessings, Doni

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Lace Mantilla and Pink Tulle

Isn't that dress absolutely GORGEOUS???
The Lace first caught my eye, then the PINK!!!  This is what my husband found today at the yard sales we went to.  A record album of Kathryn Grayson (pretty name too!), and as soon as I saw it, I knew I'd be doing a Pink Saturday post with it!!
And, at the same place, I found a jewelry box with a lovely pink interior!!

I put a few pieces of eye candy in the box for the party and added some dried roses (from last year...we didn't have but a few very tired sad ones this year).
I'm joining the party over at How Sweet The Sound here:
for Pink Saturday!
And Southern Hospitality for Today's Thrifty Treasures here:
Be sure and stop by and visit all the Pink posts and awesome Thrifty Treasures to get your fix!!
Have a wonderful weekend and a safe Labor Day!
Blessings, Doni


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